Monday, January 9, 2012

Crafts for Kids

make some finger paints

We made these squishy, gooey fingerpaints the other day and they were a hit. They were so easy, although I think I may have cooked mine a little too long. Next time, I will remove them from the stove-top sooner than I think they need to be removed. Ours was too thick and not as smooth as fingerpaints should be. But that was totally my fault. The kids did not care that they were a little thick, only my OCD did!
Here is how you make them:
1/2 cup cornstarch
3 Tbsp. sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
2 cups cold water
food coloring
In a medium pan, mix all the ingredients together to make the finger paint. Cook over low heat 10 to 15 minutes. (I would cook it for about 5 minutes less). Keep stirring the finger paint mixture until it is smooth and thick. After the finger paint has thickened take the pan off the stove and let the mixture cool.
After cooling, divide the finger paint into storage containers depending on how many colors you would like. Add a few drops of food coloring to each container. Stir the coloring in to the paint to determine the shade of color. You’re ready to finger paint! Cover tightly when storing.
See the artist smock my daughter is wearing. That is a repurposed man’s shirt from my hubby’s closet. (Don’t worry babe, it was the one you wanted to donate to charity). I have since come up with an even better design that of course I want to share with you. So stay tuned for that tutorial coming soon. They are perfect for painting, playdough and all those other messy kid activities!

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