Monday, January 9, 2012

Spooky tree from Lowes

DIY Spooky Hal­loween Tree

Our spooky Hal­loween tree project was actu­ally inspired by a lit­tle week­end yard work. We were cut­ting down some branches from a tree and they just had that per­fect “spooky” look about them–perfect for a Hal­loween tree. Even Big Brother thought so! It was such an easy project with few supplies!
- 5 gal­lon bucket
- black trash bag
- var­i­ous sized branches
- 2–3 cans Rust-Oleum Black Metal­lic spray paint
- rock, flo­ral foam, or some­thing to weigh down the branches
- spi­der web­bing & plas­tic spi­ders (or other Hal­loween decor of your choice)
– After gath­er­ing up your sup­plies, lay down a tarp or lots of news­pa­per & spray paint the branches. We had to do this two sessions–front and then back of the branches.
- Place the bucket inside the black trash bag. Fold the top of the trash bag down into the bucket–use a lit­tle tape to secure. Also, tape down the cor­ners of the trash bag to the under­neath side of the bucket.
- Fill bucket with rock or other mate­ri­als to hold the branches in place.
- Arrange branches into the bucket.
- Once the branches are arranged how you like, dec­o­rate with spi­der web­bing, spi­ders, or any other Hal­loween items you’d like!

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