Monday, January 9, 2012


13 Spooktacular Halloween Ideas: Spider Edition

For what­ever rea­son, I’m on a spi­der kick this Hal­loween. We decked out ourdin­ing room in a spi­der theme, made more spi­der web treats, and we’re plan­ning to get a bit “buggy” for our upcom­ing Hal­loween HexBug party! :)
Now of course, the biol­ogy teacher in me is com­pelled to tell you that spi­ders aren’t really bugs. In fact, spi­ders aren’t even insects at all. While spi­ders and insects are in the same phy­lum (Arthro­poda), they are in two dif­fer­ent classes (Insecta and Arach­nida). One of the key dif­fer­ences is insects have 6 legs where as spi­ders (and all arach­nids) have 8—making them extra creepy crawly. And, spi­ders just have a head and abdomen, where as insects have a head, tho­rax,and abdomen–you know, just in case you were curi­ous! ;)
But, no mat­ter their bio­log­i­cal clas­si­fi­ca­tion, I think spi­ders and all kinds of other “creepy crawlies” are fun Hal­loween items–especially in a house full of boys. So, I’ve been pin­ning all kinds of fun ideas! (are you on Pin­ter­est yet? You should be! It’s AWESOME) Here are 13 spook­tac­u­lar spi­der ideas from around the web! :)
(these would be SO fun to serve the spi­der web pret­zels on!!!)

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