Monday, January 9, 2012

Spider wreath by Lowes

DIY Spooky Spi­der Wreath

The spi­der wreath is even eas­ier and cheaper than the spooky tree! And, it’s a quick project too! You’ll have NO prob­lem get­ting this done before Halloween!
- 1 6-ft. tube of pipe insu­la­tion (less than $1.50 at my Lowe’s!!)
- X-ACTO knife
- duct tape & fric­tion tape
- spi­der webbing
- plas­tic spiders
- rib­bon
- First up, make your wreath form. You’ll start by cut­ting the pipe insu­la­tion just under the half way point.
- Con­nect the ends with duct tape. Then, cover the duct tape with fric­tion tape. (Fric­tion tape is sim­i­lar to elec­tri­cal tape, but nor­mally used for hockey sticks, base­ball bats, etc. and has a slightly sticky feel to it.)
- Wrap the wreath form with spi­der webbing–making sure to bring some across the open cir­cle. Lit­tle pieces of fric­tion tape and/or straight pins, will help hold the web­bing in place. 
- Once you have the web­bing the way you like, cut any remain­ing web­bing off, dec­o­rate with spi­ders, and add a rib­bon to the top. Then, you have your own spooky spi­der wreath!
Fun, huh?!

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