Monday, January 16, 2012

Heart Ball

Heart Ball

I love candy so instead of just eating it, why not include it in my decor as well. I found a pack of these juju hearts for $1 at Smith's (Kroger) and knew they would be perfect for my heart ball. Ready for another super easy project?! Here we go...

Heart Ball

  • Juju hearts (I got cherry because if they were cinnamon I would eat them all)
  • Styrofoam ball (got it at the thrift store, about 3 inches)
  • Pins
  • White glue
1. Stick a pin half way in to the back of a heart, then insert the pin in the Styrofoam ball. **I would recommend dipping the pin in glue to make it hold better. I did not do this, but some of my hearts fell out when I was putting my display together. The glue will make them more secure.

2. I started with a clover leaf shape with all the heart points in and then alternated directions on the next row with the points in the spaces between the hearts.
3. Next, do a row with two with points up and one with bumps up. Line them up so the two with points up are on either side of a heart from the row above with the point down. The heart with the bumps up should align with the hearts from the row above with the bumps down.
4. Next row just alternates every other one again.

Thanks goodness for pictures!!

5. Turn the ball over and start steps 1-4 on the other side of the ball. You will have to get a little creative on that last row and just kind of put the hearts where they fit.

Now style that baby! It would be cute in a bowl with a couple of other balls.
I chose to use these treasures I found at D.I. I think it was a dollar for all of it. Spray it will a couple coats of magic...

and BAM!! Two little love birds and a little romance for your shelf.

Total spent: about $2.50

Cha ching!

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